Sunday, May 2, 2010

This is It.

For this post, I would like to shake it up a bit from the permission of my teacher. I know, and understand that Michael Jackson was a very grown man, but he was most deffinetly different. I honestly believe that Michael Jackson never grew up mentally. Ever since we was a little kid he was forced into adulthood from rehersal to rehersal and never having time to do normal five year olds would do. He never had the chance, due to his fathers strict lifestyle. I could understand the reason why people would call Michael a pedifile but he truly, truly, isn’t. He loves children. I would think he would always want a bestfriend. And since he never grew up, he wouldn’t want to hang out with old people. He would want a bestfriend his “age”, just like him. Michael was constantly being used. For his money, for fame, for anything possible. That may be why none of his three marrages worked out and the fact, he wasn’t mature enough for that kind of buisness. I’m almost one hundred percent positive that not a lot of people would agree with me, but this is my honest opion on how I believe Michael Jackson is. I was watching a Japanese TV show with my mother, called SMAP SMAP. They were having a talk show when Michael magically drops in cause he happened to be in town. He came down to the main stage and saw that there was all kinds of stage lights in the back that spelled out the TV show name. Michael Jackson went up to it and was so fasinated by it. Just like any other kid would be. He has probably seen thoughs kind of lights a million times but like a little kid. Those kinds of things never get old.
(SMAPxSMAP) SMAP Meet Michael Jackson (part 3) - The best bloopers are a click away
Skip to the way end. Around 6 minutes, you can see what I saw. (I am not Japanese by the way, and I do not understand why my mother likes this show. Just saying.)

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