Friday, April 23, 2010

The boy.

JORDAN CHANDLER. The boy I, oh so hate very much. This little 13 year old boy, well then, ruined a life. Completely. Michael Jackson in 1993 was accused for touching that little kid's, "genitals". Which was clearly a lie. And was stated that it was a lie after Michael Jackson died! Way to come out after you ruined his life and no longer has a beating heart. Great job. Jordan told the police that they engaged in kissing, masturbation, and oral sex. I don't understand why this 13 year old boy would even do that stuff. WHICH THEY DIDN'T. And not knowing any better is not an excuse, I would think. And I think this way because I turned 14 literally 2 weeks ago, and I know better than to do these things with an old man. Jordan Chandler now lives in New Jersey under a new name. I would do the same. Haha. It wasn't Jordan's fault completely though. It was more on the lines of helping out his father. His father Evan Chandler is a sick, sick man. I want to spit on his face. After Michael was accused in 1993 the Chandler family received 22 million dollars in court from Mr. Jackson. He was all in it for the money. Just a scam, and a dirty way to get money from a star and ruin his career. After this kind of stress Michael was hooked on pain killers and I don't blame him. Stupid Chandlers. Jordan reported to the police the look of Michael Jackson's penis. He was very descriptive. So they examined his penis in a 25 minute strip search and it was a very close match to what Jordan had described. I honestly say he got lucky, or cooked something up with his father and took a look at it while he was sleeping. I don't know. I hope Jordan and Evan feel good about themselves. Not really. Jordan had made a promise to an old friend that he would come out and tell the truth to the public after Mike had died, which ended up being June 25th 2009, rest in peace. He said that his father threatened to shoot him if he told anyone that this whole thing was a lie. And is now writing a book about his life. Which I also believe is a scam for money. Later, in November 2009 Evan had committed suicide. His doctor told the police it was right before an appointment and that he was very ill before he died. He was found dead with a bullet in his head. He knew what would happen to him. Especially since his son had told the truth about Michael Jackson. Tragic, I guess but that's what he deserved.