Sunday, May 2, 2010

The end.

My past expirence writing blogs seemed to go really great. It was probably the most challenging that most fun and unque project I have ever done. This time period of the past month or so has been great with the class work time we had gotten to work on these. Doing this at home had given time to myself and let me think about things for a while. I would write these blogs and open up a window and feel the breeze and I wouldn’t even count doing these posts or blogs or whatever as homework. Michael Jackson is, and always be a hero of mine, no matter what anyone says. I love Michael Jackson and always, always will. These nine blogs have been written from the heart, and the lovely invention of the web. This was a brilliant idea for an assignment and I hope that Mr. Brown will continue this roject for future generations because it has been a lovely expirence. I really, truly, had fun and for those of you that will read this, I’m sure you had fun with the project too. I really wish we could continue this project but then again everything must end soooner or later. Were going to highschoolers soon and thank you Mr.Brown for preparing us for this because this was challengeing. It was challengeing the factor that we ourselves want to exute good writing and want others to read our blogs so we try and keep it as intresting as possible. I constantly find myself thinking about what my topic should be in other classes and what I should try and include to keep readers intrested. I hope that there are some hardcore Jackson fans out there just like me. It would make me happy. I worked hard on these, and I’m one hundred percent sure everyone put so much effort into making these. And from this project I found out so many new things that I didn’t even have a clue about and this man is my favorite man on the face of this planet. Minus a few exceptions. Like Jesus. I really do hope to continue this project even though I highly do doubt it. I fall asleep every night thinking about it. I read my fellow friends blogs and blogs that I’m intrested in. Such as Jasmines. I am also a Lady Gaga fan and her blog keeps me so entertained. I hope my blog would have the same impact on someone like how the other blogs have on me. This expirence has been like no other and I doubt any teacher will be cool enough to do a project like this. I think it was a blessing to be put into Mr. Browns class room because he knows what students like us want to do and still have us working hard. I think that’s a really hard thing to do and he did it. Yes sir. I’d like to thank him and thank you guys for reading my blog. This is probably my last entry to I’d like to have a formal good-bye. Good-bye.

This is It.

For this post, I would like to shake it up a bit from the permission of my teacher. I know, and understand that Michael Jackson was a very grown man, but he was most deffinetly different. I honestly believe that Michael Jackson never grew up mentally. Ever since we was a little kid he was forced into adulthood from rehersal to rehersal and never having time to do normal five year olds would do. He never had the chance, due to his fathers strict lifestyle. I could understand the reason why people would call Michael a pedifile but he truly, truly, isn’t. He loves children. I would think he would always want a bestfriend. And since he never grew up, he wouldn’t want to hang out with old people. He would want a bestfriend his “age”, just like him. Michael was constantly being used. For his money, for fame, for anything possible. That may be why none of his three marrages worked out and the fact, he wasn’t mature enough for that kind of buisness. I’m almost one hundred percent positive that not a lot of people would agree with me, but this is my honest opion on how I believe Michael Jackson is. I was watching a Japanese TV show with my mother, called SMAP SMAP. They were having a talk show when Michael magically drops in cause he happened to be in town. He came down to the main stage and saw that there was all kinds of stage lights in the back that spelled out the TV show name. Michael Jackson went up to it and was so fasinated by it. Just like any other kid would be. He has probably seen thoughs kind of lights a million times but like a little kid. Those kinds of things never get old.
(SMAPxSMAP) SMAP Meet Michael Jackson (part 3) - The best bloopers are a click away
Skip to the way end. Around 6 minutes, you can see what I saw. (I am not Japanese by the way, and I do not understand why my mother likes this show. Just saying.)


Michael Jacksons home. The most unbelieveable thing ever. When I saw pictures of this mans house, my mouth dropped down to like my freaking feet. His home was named after Neverland in the movie Peter Pan about the boy that never grows up. Its full name is Neverland Valley Ranch, it is estimated to be two thousand, six hindred, seventy six acres. Michael purchased the Neverland home in 1988 for approximately 16.5 million to 30 million. It contains everything in your wildest fantasies. An amusement park, a zoo, a train, just everything. Inside his amusement park it contained a Ferris wheel, Carousel, a Pirate Ship and bumper cars. While Michael lived there he brpught grpu[s pf children and there families in for visits to play and adventure Neverland. And this stopped when Michael was accused of molesting a kid in 1993. I want to have that kid put in jail or something for just things he caused during Michael’s lifetime. When Michael had lost his house in 2005, he had said that the Neverland Ranch no longer felt like home after having over 70 cops searching everything in his pocession. On February 25th 2008, Michael had received words from Financial Title Company, that unless he paid twenty four million dollars by March 19th, they would hold an aution for everything on and in the Neverland Ranch. Such as the land, buildings, the rides, trains and art. On March 13th Michael’s lawyer had made priveat argeements that had to do with some private investment group. His lawyer would not expose any further details about it. I’m guessing he had come up with the money that the Chandlers had taken from him, because on March 12th the auction for the ranch was cancelled after an investment company, LLC, had purchased the loan. Michael stated that he was happy what had happened with the ranch had cleared up and that now he could focus on the future ahead of him. Sadly, his future didn’t last very long. It was claimed that his family was going to bury him at the Neverland Ranch, eventually letting it turn into a place where fans may grieve for him. Just like how Graceland had become a place for fans of Elvis Presly. However, Joesph, his father, that I’ve mentioned before had denied that this was the plan for the place of where he would lay his sons dead body.

For more insight looks on his place you can go to : and

The Moves.

Michael Jackson was a pure rebel. Which, I would think is the reasons why he is so great. Michael never wrote his songs down on paper, like many, many other musicians. In the course of wriring a lot of his songs he would record them and beatbox. He would imatate the instruments using his voice and playing the acutal instuments himself. He is just a musical genius, it’s so unreal to me. Mike was also known as the King of Music Videos. Odd name but true. My mom would always mention how amazing the technology and dances were in Thriller at that time period. And when I watched it after how many years of it being out, I was still blown away. Well, before Michael had a hard time landing his music videos on MTV because he was African American. Thanks to CBS records they persuaded MTV to start showing his music videos, Billie Jean and Beat It. Michael Jackson became the first black man to have his music video premiere on MTV. He gave many black artists hope and recognition. Thriller became known across the world. This dance sequence has been everywhere from Indian films to prisons in the Philipenes. Crazy stuff. Thriller became the most successful music video ever and was put into the Guinness World Records. On Youtube, it currently has over seventy five million veiws. And Beat It, was immitated frequently everywhere. I don’t blame the people who did though. That music video is hard core. In Bad, the ninteen minute music video he permormed his famous croutch grab. Oprah had asked him one time he had appeared on the show, about why he would do such a sexual move. He described it as not being planned at all and it just had happened. It was conterversal topic among fans and critics. Some people called it genius while others called it “infamous”. In his hit Smooth Criminal he performs the famous, anti-gravity lean which he was granted U.S. Patent No. 5,255,452. The MTV Video Vanguard Artist of the Decade Award was given to Michael to give credit to his accomplishments in 1980s, the year after the MTV Video Vanguard Artist of the Decade Award was renamed in his honor. Michael Jackson swept up the music industry like no other.