Sunday, May 2, 2010

The end.

My past expirence writing blogs seemed to go really great. It was probably the most challenging that most fun and unque project I have ever done. This time period of the past month or so has been great with the class work time we had gotten to work on these. Doing this at home had given time to myself and let me think about things for a while. I would write these blogs and open up a window and feel the breeze and I wouldn’t even count doing these posts or blogs or whatever as homework. Michael Jackson is, and always be a hero of mine, no matter what anyone says. I love Michael Jackson and always, always will. These nine blogs have been written from the heart, and the lovely invention of the web. This was a brilliant idea for an assignment and I hope that Mr. Brown will continue this roject for future generations because it has been a lovely expirence. I really, truly, had fun and for those of you that will read this, I’m sure you had fun with the project too. I really wish we could continue this project but then again everything must end soooner or later. Were going to highschoolers soon and thank you Mr.Brown for preparing us for this because this was challengeing. It was challengeing the factor that we ourselves want to exute good writing and want others to read our blogs so we try and keep it as intresting as possible. I constantly find myself thinking about what my topic should be in other classes and what I should try and include to keep readers intrested. I hope that there are some hardcore Jackson fans out there just like me. It would make me happy. I worked hard on these, and I’m one hundred percent sure everyone put so much effort into making these. And from this project I found out so many new things that I didn’t even have a clue about and this man is my favorite man on the face of this planet. Minus a few exceptions. Like Jesus. I really do hope to continue this project even though I highly do doubt it. I fall asleep every night thinking about it. I read my fellow friends blogs and blogs that I’m intrested in. Such as Jasmines. I am also a Lady Gaga fan and her blog keeps me so entertained. I hope my blog would have the same impact on someone like how the other blogs have on me. This expirence has been like no other and I doubt any teacher will be cool enough to do a project like this. I think it was a blessing to be put into Mr. Browns class room because he knows what students like us want to do and still have us working hard. I think that’s a really hard thing to do and he did it. Yes sir. I’d like to thank him and thank you guys for reading my blog. This is probably my last entry to I’d like to have a formal good-bye. Good-bye.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job on this blog. There were some obvious grammar and spelling errors that I know you could have avoided by proof reading. This didn't seem to be your strongest writing but the content was really exciting and showed your passion for this topic. Continue to proof read your magic before you submit.
